Hometown: Fenton, MI
Social Media: @abbeyclothier5
Major/Class Standing: Humanities Prelaw with a Minor in Global Studies, Senior
Internship Employer/Location: 7th Judicial Circuit Court with Judge Elizabeth Kelly (Genesee County) Flint, MI
Position: Independent
My favorite experience from my summer internship was being able to watch in-person courtroom proceedings. Due to COVID, many hearings were carried out via ZOOM. However, towards the end of the summer, we were able to bring in defendants for sentencing. The contrast between a defendant’s demeanor in court vs at home on ZOOM was extreme. I enjoyed observing how Judge Kelly would handle different cases. She was always strong and strict yet empathetic and encouraging.

I have learned many legal terms as well as the procedure of cases flowing from district court to circuit court level. I have also learned a lot more about family law, drug court, and the criminal justice system. This summer I was able to get a sneak peek at what my life could entail if I were to become a lawyer and the personality and professionalism that comes with being in this field.