Full name: Mary Claire Zauel
Hometown: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Major and Class Standing: English – Creative Writing, Film Studies & Musical Theatre minors, Junior
Social Media Handle: Instagram: @mczauel
Internship Company/Organization Name: Screen Directors Guild of Ireland
Location of Internship: Remote
Program Type: Global Remote Internship Program
This summer I was a Project Management Intern at the Screen Directors Guild of Ireland. In this role, I was responsible for organizing live Q&A events with major Irish film directors, managing the Guild’s social media platforms, and writing original articles about filmmaking practices to be published on the new website. Every day was slightly different in terms of the work I had to do, but some tasks—such as posting on Twitter daily—were consistent throughout the entire program.
I obtained my internship through the Global Remote Internship Program, and I have loved every moment of it! I wanted to either study abroad or intern somewhere this summer, but the Covid-19 pandemic made both prospects nearly impossible. The Global Remote Internship Program was a great opportunity that combined both studying abroad and interning, but in a format that was possible in the pandemic.

My favorite part of this internship was how much I was able to learn. This position helped me strengthen my communication and time management skills, while also teaching me useful technologies such as Mailchimp and Twitter. In addition, the time I spent researching filmmaking resources and interacting with Guild members was like a masterclass in the Irish film industry. I want to be a screenwriter and possibly a film director, so getting to learn so much firsthand was a fantastic opportunity for me that definitely reinforced my future career plans.
My least favorite part of this position was the virtual format. Although it had its advantages, such as being in control of my own schedule, I sorely wish that I had been present in Ireland. Working alongside my supervisor in the Dublin office would have added value to this experience by immersing me in Irish culture and unlocking opportunities that the virtual format simply could not. However I still feel that my internship was valuable and impactful despite being fully remote.
My advice for students looking for internships is two-fold. Firstly, do not give up! I spent months searching for internships, and so I know that it can be a painstaking and challenging process. I promise that if you hang in there, an opportunity will eventually come your way. You just have to keep after it and remember whatever dream it is that you’re working towards.
And secondly: just say yes! When I was presented with the Global Remote Internship Program, I had no idea what to expect (we didn’t receive our actual placements until two months after accepting!). For me it was about taking that leap of faith towards a potential opportunity, and I ended up with a wonderful experience that will be part of my professional journey for life. Keep an open mind towards whatever internship presents itself, and remember that any experience is good experience as long as you’re doing what you love.