Full name: Claire Huston
Hometown: St. Charles, Illinois
Major and Class Standing: English, Senior
Internship Company/Organization Name: The Little Museum of Dublin
Location of Internship: Remote
Program Type: Global Remote Internship Program
My role at the Little Museum of Dublin was social media intern – this meant that I helped to maintain social media accounts, created copy for social media campaigns, and even created my own campaign, although I also had plenty of opportunities to practice skills outside of social media. I worked from 9am to 3pm every day, which gave me time to interact with my coworkers while they were still in the office, thanks to the difference in time zones.

I got my internship through the Global Remote Internship Program – I applied to join the program, and they matched me with an internship company called Connect 123, which partnered me with the best fit for me based on my resume and experience. I have truly loved this experience – I’ve learned so many new things, and gotten to know people in Ireland that I never would have been able to meet if not for this internship opportunity. The only drawback was the time difference, but I was still able to make it work. This internship has encouraged me to look further into the field of Museum Studies – I learned so much about the way that museums are run, and how important that they are to the communities that they serve. This opportunity taught me so much about myself, and helped me to learn and develop so many skills – from social media, to time management, to confidence in professional settings. My advice to anyone reading this is to take a chance on an international internship – it will help you grow as a person, and as a citizen of the world.