Sarah Karafa

Full name: Sarah Karafa

Hometown: Muskegon, Michigan

Major and Class Standing: English, Senior

Social Media Handle: Instagram: @sarahkarafa_

Internship Company/Organization Name: Parmenter Law

Location of Internship: Muskegon, Michigan

Program Type: Independent

For the Spring 2021 Semester I was a legal intern at Parmenter Law, where I gained invaluable knowledge about what it is like to work in the legal field.

woman with blonde hair and glasses in floral shirt smiling at camera
Sarah Karafa

My daily routine included assisting with the preparation and drafting of legal documents, researching with tools like LexisNexis, and recommending and implementing edits. My favorite part of the internship was the professional experience that I acquired and the relationships and connections I made with the attorneys and staff that will be a useful network as I navigate law school next year. My advice for other students seeking internship opportunities is to start your search early and be open to a wide range of possibilities, because it gives you time to make connections and express your interest in an organization.