Full name: Melanie Griffin
Hometown: Traverse City, Michigan
Major and Class Standing: Studio Art Major; Ceramics concentration, Senior
Social Media Handle: Instagram: @melanieraegriffin
Internship Company/Organization Name: Clay Space TC
Location of Internship: Traverse City, Michigan
Program Type: Independent
I was the Clay Space studio intern for the summer. I helped with the physical movement of work through the ceramic process; through loading and unloading kilns, mixing up glazes, and helping reclaim the studio’s clay. I also assisted with teaching during multiple kids camps this summer. Another component of my time in the studio was making my own work and introducing new things into the studio space.
For my daily routine, I would usually come in and complete a few tasks for the studio like loading a kiln, on kid’s camp days I would spend the morning teaching and helping the students. Then I would spend a few hours working on my current pieces, which varied from throwing new work, trimming work, attaching handles or carving into pieces, and under glazing/glazing work.

I obtained this internship through my aunt. She has taken many classes at this studio space and urged me to reach out and inquire about a possible internship opportunity. I utilized my past experience as a studio assistant and experience at MSU in a communal studio to show I was qualified for the internship.
My favorite part of the internship was participating in the kids’ camps. There were four total and each one posed a different challenge to overcome. I think these camps helped me grow the most during this experience. My least favorite part of the internship was my lack of free time throughout the summer. I really wanted to utilize having access to a studio for the summer more than I was able to, as I was working full time. I could not afford to prioritize this unpaid opportunity over my job for the most part this summer.
I learned some information about art fairs and creating a booth through conversations with my bosses. They were really insightful and gave me lots of insider tips and tricks that apply to art fairs. I also learned about the many art teaching opportunities that can cater to a working studio artist’s needs. I hope to be a functional studio potter who sells their work at things like craft shows, art fairs, and galleries.
I had a lot of skills reaffirmed through this experience, specifically the physical tasks. I also grew a lot more confidence when it came to talking about ceramics and explaining technicalities to other people.
My advice for other students is to make sure you go into the experience with open eyes and ears. Every moment you spend at your internship will be informative in both positive and negative ways. And make sure to use the opportunity to build up your communication skills and to learn what you bring to the table as an individual.