Bailey Eddington

Hometown: Jenison, MI

Major/Class Standing: Interdisciplinary Humanities, Senior

Social Media: @baileyedd

Internship Position/Location: Lansing Association For Human Rights (LAHR), Lansing, Michigan

Program: Independent

My favorite experience at LAHR was when I built a suicide coaltion plan for LGBTQIA youth. I had the chance to research and develop a plan on my own. Next, I will be presenting my plan to LAHR’s board of directors.

Girl with long curly hair smiling at camera in front of flowers with Lansing Association for Human Rights photoshopped across the bottom.
Bailey Eddington

While working for LAHR, I’ve learned that nonprofit work is tied heavily to not only social change, but to government work. From this, I’ve realized that my flexible major has more malleability in store for me than I once believed.