Matthew Netherland

Full name:  Matthew Netherland

Hometown: Clarkston, MI

Major and Class Standing: Chemical Engineering/Japanese, Senior

Social Media Handle:  Instagram @matt.netherland

Internship Company/Organization Name: Eldoraku

Location of Internship: ​Remote

Program Type: Global Remote Internship Program

I worked at Eldoraku as a Data Analyst, working with Japanese brand names to develop a search engine for a startup.

My daily routine included using Code Academy to learn basic Python, which was my favorite part of the internship, and using the knowledge I had learned to complete my projects.

Matthew Netherland

I learned a plethora of skills through this internship, from organizing data in Excel, which was abysmally slow, to compiling large piles of data in Python.

This program opened my eyes to the prospect of working in Japan, as well as the idea of working as a data analyst in the future.

If you are seeking out opportunities like this one, I would recommend this program (the Global Remote Internship Program), as it provides a large network of connections whilst teaching you important skills for the job.