Full name: Hana Jo Lerwick
Hometown: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Major and Class Standing: Humanities-Prelaw, Senior
Social Media Handle: Instagram: @hana.jo.lerwick
Internship Company/Organization Name: Islamic Relief – España
Location of Internship: Remote
Program Type: Global Remote Internship Program
I was a marketing intern and my roles included tasks to work on the website. Some of these were a bit more technical, making sure things were accurate and consistent across the whole website. I was also able to do some things a bit more creative like posting on social media and writing a blog post.
My daily routine was dependent on the day of the week. One perk of working remotely is that you are able to set and work around your own schedule. Generally, I would work a six-hour day on Mondays and Fridays and then four hours spread out between Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

I obtained my internship through the College of Arts and Letters and their Global Virtual Internship Program. I was able to find this program through the CAL Newsletters that get forwarded to my email.
My favorite part of the internship was learning more about the process of an NGO. It was an amazing experience to see the far-reaching positive impact that their work has. I think that my least favorite part of this internship was the circumstances making it remote. While I really enjoyed the internship and the work, I do much better in person and working around others.
My future plans are to continue on and get my MSW. While I may not be directly working in a nonprofit sector, there’s a common theme of working to help others between social work and my internship. Thanks to this internship, I was able to refresh some graphic design skills and expand upon them, so I feel comfortable with working on a website through WordPress. I also was able to improve my Spanish reading and writing skills.
My advice for anyone seeking out new internship opportunities is to be open-minded to internships that might be a little different than what you envision. Also, to make the absolute most of the experience and learn as much as you can from it.