Full name: Claire Bahorski
Hometown: Sterling Heights, Michigan
Major and Class Standing: Humanities Pre-Law & Human Capital and Society; Junior
Social Media Handle: Instagram: @clairebahorski
Internship Company/Organization Name: The Cube
Location of Internship: Remote
Program Type: Independent
I was an intern for The Cube. Throughout the internship I took on various roles and responsibilities, including social media work, design work, writing and editing various pieces, and creating a portfolio series for faculty.
Once done with online classes, or during free time throughout the day, I would work on my tasks for the week and do my best to balance schoolwork with my job duties. I also would communicate regularly with my supervisors and colleagues and participate in meetings to ensure I was doing the best work possible.

I had been an intern for The Current, a publication supported by The Cube since May 2020, and I reached out to The Cube’s Director Dr. Kate Birdsall to discuss taking on more responsibilities and having a more in-depth experience as an intern. Reaching out to her helped me in my journey to becoming a more dedicated intern working with other facets within the organization and eventually participating in the College of Arts & Letters Intern Project.
My favorite part of the internship was how much I learned. I was taught how to write in different genres, collaborated with other talented writers, and received great feedback and guidance from my supervisors. My least favorite part was working completely remote, although The Cube faculty and staff does a great job at virtual communication and supporting each other through these difficult times. Finding motivation to work during such stressful times was also hard to work through, but I was inspired by the other talented interns and faculty to persevere and keep working hard.
I obtained valuable skills during my internship, and my writing vastly improved. I learned that one’s writing is not ever perfect in the first draft, and sometimes it takes multiple rounds of editing and drafting to make a complete work. I believe this lesson will keep me from becoming discouraged in the future if I do not do something perfectly in my first try. In my future career fields, strong writing and organizational skills are very important. Even if my future job is not entirely writing-focused, I believe that these learned skills will take me far in any career field.
I learned how to write in the genre of film reviews and portfolio writing, which are styles I have never worked with before. While I have always enjoyed writing, it was not until my internship that I dabbled with different genres of writing. I am grateful for each opportunity I had to learn a new skill.
I advise other students to use your connections and resources to your advantage. Many MSU faculty and staff members are often willing to help in any way they can, especially during these difficult times. It is also important to not become discouraged and keep trying. There are opportunities everywhere, just remain open minded and stay positive!