Full name: Fiona Graham
Hometown: Bremerton, Washington
Major and Class Standing: English and History, Senior
Social Media Handle: Instagram: @Fionagraycg
Internship Company/Organization Name: North Star Behavior Consultants LLC
Location of Internship: Kitsap County, Washington
Program Type: Independent
At North Star Behavior Consultants, I was a Registered Behavior Technician. My role was to implement behavioral treatment plans in one-on-one sessions with clients who have autism, focusing on teaching new social skills. On a typical day, I would conduct a session with my client at their home wherein we do a variety of activities meant to teach them new skills. After a session, I would spend the rest of the day finishing up my session notes, speaking with my supervisor, and planning for the next session.
I obtained this internship through connections that I made in high school during service projects. I reached out to a co-owner of North Star and asked about any possible positions. I started training and began my internship in Summer 2021.

My absolute favorite part of this internship has been the close relationships that I have formed with my coworkers and clients. I have made strong connections that I will cherish for the rest of my life. The worst part of this internship is having to leave for a bit. I am so excited to go back to MSU’s campus, but I will miss my company greatly and look forward to working with them again in the future.
I learned so much about the highs and lows of education and healthcare, from feeling as though little change is being made to being incredibly excited to try something new in a session. I know now for sure that I have a future in education, and I will continue working with North Star after graduation.
During this internship, I learned a lot of basics, including how to collect appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and how to collaborate with a professional team. However, I also learned countless skills that will benefit me in a career in education, including how to bring enthusiasm into learning and how to adapt to the constant unexpected situations in teaching.
For anyone looking for an internship, I strongly suggest looking locally and reaching out to any possible connections you may have, from family and friends and even people from high school. I struggled for a while to find anything because of the pandemic, but I asked and applied at many places and eventually found a company I loved working with. Also, don’t be afraid to be picky! Choose something you are passionate about, because an internship can lead to a career.