Zamani Coakieanos

Hometown: Lansing

Major and class standing: XA


Internship: CeADAR, Dublin, Ireland (Remote)

What was your internship title and role/responsibilities?

I was a UX/UI Designer. I conducted website review with the focus of enhancing the site’s usability through the perspective of a future partner ensuring site meets the WCAG AA standards to enhance the usability and readability of the website. Along with designing 2 versions of website mockups in Adobe Photoshop resulting in website improvements that met client’s needs. I created surveys in Google Docs, utilizing company branding, to distribute among past clients and partners and measure partner/client satisfaction and generate testimonials. In addition to developing graphics and branding documents using Adobe Photoshop and illustrations by hand.

How did you obtain your internship? What resources did you utilize to secure your internship?

I was referred to this internship via an internship program I was enrolled in called Connect 123.

What did your daily routine include?

Waking up in the morning, attending class, taking a break to cook, then attending to my internship.

Your favorite experience from the internship?

Being able to apply what I’ve learned. I also love the staff that I worked with, they were kind and goal driven individuals. I wholeheartedly enjoyed my time interning for CeADAR. I had the opportunity to be a remote UX/UI for CeADAR, an Irish company that focuses on A.I. development and machine learning. I began this internship in September 2021 and completed it in December 2021. I had the chance to apply what I‘ve learned throughout my time within the XA program. The ten weeks flew by quickly, I’m still in disbelief.

What was your least favorite part of the internship?

My least favorite part stems from the complication caused by the timezone difference.

What skills did you learn and/or build upon during your internship?

The skills that I built upon includes: wire-framing, conducting user research, graphic designing, and user interfacing designing.

What did you learn about the industry or your career path as a result of the internship? What are your future plans?

I learned that I made the right decision by choosing to pursue a career in UX design. My future plan is to become a UX designer for a major flagship company like Google.