Abbey Behan

Hometown: Essexville, Michigan
Major and class standing: Studio Art, Senior
Instagram: @abbeybehanart
Where you interned: AAHD Gallery Assistant, East Lansing, Michigan

What was your internship title and role/responsibilities?
I was a gallery assistant for the AAHD gallery spaces at the Union and SCENE Metrospace. My main responsibilities included laying out shows, hanging artworks and taking them down, general gallery maintenance, and greeting guests when they came into the space!

How did you obtain your internship? What resources did you utilize to secure your internship?
I saw an ad for the internship posted in the hallways at Kresge Art Center. I thought it was an excellent fit for me, so I applied and had an interview, then I was offered the position.

What did your daily routine include?
My daily routine when working included unlocking the doors to the gallery, making sure all of the artwork is still looking good, turning on any electronic pieces, and then greeting guests.

Your favorite experience from the internship?
My favorite experience from the internship was when I got to curate a print show at the MSU union all by myself. Being able to pick out the pieces and to arrange them in the space really taught me a lot about how the gallery walls can be a place for an overall experience, not just individual artworks. Along with that, I met some of my best friends through this internship!

What was your least favorite part of the internship?
My least favorite part of the internship is the fact that it is ending! Truly, this job has been so fun and rewarding, and Jacklynn is the best boss. The entire thing has been so fun.

What skills did you learn and/or build upon during your internship?
I learned a lot about how to lay out shows, how to hang artwork properly, how to install electronic artwork, and how to apply to shows after graduation. I learned a lot about how to be an artist.

What did you learn about the industry or your career path as a result of the internship? What are your future plans?
I learned a lot about how to find opportunities in the arts and what makes a strong application versus a weak one. I plan to apply to graduate schools in a few years, so having the knowledge and experience that I do now really helps me.

What advice do you have for other students seeking out internship opportunities?
Just apply! Don’t count yourself out before you even try. It’s always worth a shot, and even if you don’t get what you wanted the first try, you will learn something from the experience. Failure is not a negative if you learn and grow from it.