Thanh Tran

Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI
Major and class standing: Graphic Design, Senior
LinkedIn: Thanh Tran
Instagram: thanh.vt4
Where you interned: Apex in Tokyo, Japan

What was your internship title and role/responsibilities?
I was a Marketing and Design Intern for Apex. My responsibility was designing materials the company could use to improve its SEO and visual identity. Some examples I designed over the summer included motion graphics, presentation slides, a proposal for a website redesign, and a 2-minute informative video.

How did you obtain your internship? What resources did you utilize to secure your internship?
I discovered this internship through the MSU Education Abroad portal and the program was hosted by CRCC Asia. Throughout the academic year (2023-24), I spoke with Dan Meier, Maggie Harris, the Education Abroad Office, and the Office of Financial Aid about what resources and scholarships are available to me.

What did your daily routine include?
I worked from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm every day of the week and had a list of projects to complete during my two months in Japan. I had some independence and flexibility to work on whatever projects I wanted to do each day. I made these decisions based on the projects’ deadlines.

Your favorite experience from the internship?
My favorite project to work on was the 2-minute informative video. I was able to use Adobe After Effects and further practice my motion and editing skills. Halfway into the internship program, I was invited to the company Yakatabune (boat dinner) event. (

What was your least favorite part of the internship?
The only part of my experience in Japan that I had a difficult time adapting to was the humidity and heat. From what design skills and lessons I was missing from my internship, I made up by doing independent research and studying in the country.

What skills did you learn and/or build upon during your internship?
I improved my soft skills by working with the marketing team and getting to know everyone from Apex, CRCC Asia, and residents of Japan. I was able to further develop my motion design skills and reinforced my existing knowledge of typography and grids.

What did you learn about the industry or your career path as a result of the internship? What are your future plans?
By interning with Apex, I learned about the recruitment industry and its large presence in Japan. It expanded my knowledge about design in Asia countries and the use of characters from languages such as Japanese, Mandarin, and Korean. Additionally, I was able to gain more experience working in an in-house environment to cater design towards a single visual identity. While I hope to first find as many design opportunities post-graduation, I have preference to gain experience working with a studio or design agency.

What advice do you have for other students seeking out internship opportunities?
There are many resources and scholarships available that I discovered by talking with my advisors and MSU. I high recommend applying to as many that you are eligible for and starting those applications as soon as you can. For many of those options, you will likely need an essay or written statements. Setting up an appointment with the writing center can prove to be extremely helpful, and I did take that opportunity for one of my scholarship.