Tessa MacDonald

Full name:  Tessa MacDonald

Hometown: St. Clair, Michigan

Major and Class Standing: Film Studies Major, Fiction Filmmaking Minor, Senior

Social Media Handle: Instagram: @tessamarmac
Twitter: @tessammacdonald

Internship Company/Organization Name: Screen Directors Guild Ireland

Location of Internship: ​Remote

Program Type: Global Remote Internship Program

I was a Special Projects Management intern at Screen Directors Guild Ireland. My daily routine included checking emails, Twitter, and working on a project. As my projects varied, every day was a little different. I learned how to better use MailChimp, how to create a website brief and an infographic, and I built upon my research skills during my internship. I learned more about what a Guild is and what they provide for their members. I really enjoyed seeing the impact the Guild had on its members and I would definitely consider working for one again in the future. My future plan is to be a producer for a film company.

Woman smiling in front of city Zoom background with "Screen Directors Guild of Ireland" across top.
Tessa MacDonald

I obtained my internship through the Excel Network’s Global Remote Internship Program. I studied abroad in Ireland for the Spring 2020 semester, so that also definitely helped me. My favorite part of the internship was the projects I got to work on. They all really varied as far as tasks, but they were really interesting to me and engaging. My least favorite part of the internship was working from home. Nothing compares to actually being in Ireland and seeing all your coworkers everyday in an office.

My best advice for other students seeking out internship opportunities is to use your network! Your classmates may have had some really interesting internships and could potentially connect you with their past employers.