Full name: Addison Walton
Hometown: Farmington, MI
Major & Class Standing: RCAH and English Creative Writing Junior
Your social media handles: Twitter: @mockturtleneck_ Insta: @themockturtleneck
Internship Company/Organization Name: Enjin Media
Location of Internship: Remote
Program: Global Remote Internship Program
I was a content writer and my duties included doing research on the auto industry in Japan and creating articles and other content based on my research.
My daily routine included researching information about topics I was assigned and creating B2B articles and blog posts that could be later converted into social media posts.
My favorite part of this internship was learning something new, prior to this I had no knowledge of the auto industry domestic or abroad and having this on the job learning curve was interesting and challenging in the best ways. It allowed me to get out of my niche and write about something that was new.

Covid was a big disruptor for this internship unfortunately. It was hard trying to adapt to a Covid work environment even in an internship that would be remote under normal circumstances.
I learned that writing shouldn’t be the extent of my skill set. I need to also learn about marketing and social media creation as these skills help boost articles and create a readership.
I learned marketing/social media strategies used for content creation.
Don’t be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone, I’m a creative writing major so this style of writing was new to me and it can be intimidating but also rewarding. You discover just how much you’re capable of when you take that first step out into something new.